# $ tumor_stage "stage ia", "stage ib", "stage ib", "st.

Smoke_complete %>% mutate( age_at_death = age_at_diagnosis + days_to_death) %>% glimpse() # Rows: 1,152 8.8.2 More about the Multiple Testing Problem.8.8 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Optional).8.6 How Correlated are the Three Variables?.8.2.2 Googling is StandaRd pRactice foR eRrors.8.2.1 Understanding the difference between warnings and errors.7.5 Making your data long: pivot_longer().7 Part 5: Doing useful things with multiple tables.6.8 Other really useful forcats functions.6.5 fct_rev() - reversing the order of a factor.6.1 Making a factor variable out of disease.5.5 Standardizing variable names: clean_names().5.4.3 group_by()/summarize to calculate mean and standard deviation values.5.3.4 Using mutate to make a continuous variable categorical using case_when.5.3.3 Using mutate to make our character variables into factors.