Disappear: Just across from it, next to the Vending Machine you’ll find this audio in ice.Eleanor’s Progress: In the beginning, past the door to the Amusement, you’ll end at a bunch of white candles under a poster.The Situation: After your encounter with Tenenbaum, after you kill off the Splicers, you’ll find this in the centre on a bench.Past the stairs on your left (before you open the door) you'll find this in a bookshelf inside a booth. Improving on Suchong's Work: After you ride the elevator, you'll find a set of stairs with Rivet Traps set up.Know the Beast: Once you remove the pipe from the machinery, after you enter the door on your left there are stairs, after the first flight is an audio on a desk.Lamb: Reality: In the same area as above there is a cafeteria, go through the kitchen to the storage room, there in a corner you’ll find this audio. You’ll find a mattress with a lunchbox, below the lunch box is the audio. What Happened to the People: When you descend down the stairs afterwards, deal with the Splicers then head straight.

On the table when you enter is the audio. Just a Fad: After your flashback, when you get the Telekinesis plasmid, you’ll go into a platform with gas tanks overlooking a few Splicers.Mr Tape Recorder: After getting the Telekinesis plasmid backtrack to the steps leading out of the water and this audio is behind a circular vent. On a table there you’ll find the recording. The Great Chain Rattles: As you enter the first hall, on the left, next to the fallen train is a room.A lootable corpse is behind these bubbles, and holds an Audio Diary. Right after you jump through the broken window, there is an old submarine with bubbles rising up at the front of it. Escape from Rapture: right after the Big Sister breaks the window and dumps the ocean on you.Generation: In the room where the Big Sister attacks you, turn right and go next to the stairs.As you enter, turn right and you’ll find this audio by an open suitcase with a teddy bear. They Call it Rapture: When you pick up the Rivet Gun, you’ll unlock the door to proceed.Just as you enter this room you’ll find this audio on your right, sitting on a bench. Return: Now, go back on your path and eventually walk into a room with a shallow pool and a bridge above it.When you enter, you’ll find the ladies’ room/bathroom (‘Dames’).

Note that the Audio Diaries guide is MY guide. However, I have listed 125 audio diaries.

For the audio diaries, the bare minimum for the " Rapture Historian" trophy is 100.
Power to the people stations bioshock 2 upgrade#
So here you have it, I finally finished, the very first guide for the Audio Diaries in BioShock 2, plus all the Weapon Upgrade ('Power to the People') stations.